What’s The Supplements Launch?
The Launch is our strategic program for the college applicant who is ready to identify topics for supplement essays and to begin drafting!
Is The Supplements Launch Right for Me?
If you’ve completed your main application essay and will need to address five or more substantial supplement prompts in addition to the common “Why are you applying here?” question, we recommend The Supplements Launch for the instruction and strategic organization it provides.
The Launch is open to students who are working with a Hillside coach in The Uncommon Essay Course. Materials from the Discovery steps serve as a rich source of ideas and directions for the supplement-writing project. Students not enrolled in this course should contact us to discuss a support plan for work on supplement essays.
If the supplements project is considerably smaller in scope, we recommend scheduling discrete Feedback Sessions, which can be followed by or paired with E-Feedback support.
How Does the Launch Work?
Options for Further Support
We’ve designed The Supplements Launch to provide instruction, tools, and organizational help for undertaking the supplement-writing project. It is not designed to take students through outlining and revising all supplement essays. Some students approach writing these essays on their own after completing the Launch. Many students opt to extend work with their coach through Feedback Sessions or E-Feedback, which can be used for top-to-bottom revision of drafts or for planning additional essays.

What Clients Are Saying About The Supplements Launch
My children have applied the critical thinking skills you have shown them and were able to write many supplementals on their own. We are forever grateful and will reach out again once there is a need for any type of writing.Parent, Framingham, MA
Almost every other supplement I wrote stemmed from the ideas we found for that first essay!Student, Cambridge, MA